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DB2 Instance recycle on AIX

In this article you will learn how to do a DB2 instance recycle running on AIX.

Follow all the below steps you should execute when you need to do a DB2 instance recycle running on AIX.

1) First of all ask your application team to stop their applications before proceeding for db2 instance recycle activity. Post confirmation proceed for below steps :

2) Login with the db2 instance owner id to run the commands:

db2 list applications show detail

3) Double check with the application team if they stopped everything. If you still see applications left, you can do

db2 force applications all
db2 terminate
db2 deactivate db <db_name>

4) If still the instance doesn’t come down because some application are running left, execute below command which down db2 services forcefully :

db2stop force

5) If db2stop force cant bring the instance down run below commands

ipclean –a

This will release occupied memory.

6) Check if there are processes left using

ps –ef | grep <instance_name>

7) Check if there are any ipc resources left for your instance using

ipcs –a | grep <instance_name>

If yes, try to kill them as root (use sudo):

sudo ipcrm –m resource_id (for m resources)
sudo ipcrm –s resource_id (for s resources)
sudo ipcrm –q resource_id (for q resources)

8) Now that everything is clean, you should be able to start your instance


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