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DBT5521N The db2ckupgrade utility failed because the utility was not invoked on the instance being upgraded.

Sometime you've encountered with below error/issue during version upgrade check in DB2. Well, while executing db2ckupgrade sometime gives a misleading error like in my case for below DB2 environment:

Version of DB2CKUPGRADE being run: VERSION "10.5"

Database: "SAMPLE"

DBT5521N The db2ckupgrade utility failed because the utility was not invoked on the instance being upgraded.                     
[IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0106E Connection is closed. SQLSTATE=08003
DBT5537I The db2ckupgrade utility has completed processing for database "SAMPLE".                                             
DBT5529N The db2ckupgrade utility did not complete successfully.
The database cannot be upgraded. The output log file is named "/inst/db2inst1/upgrade1.log".                                       

When you run cat /inst/db2inst1/upgrade1.log , the error originally has below documented message:

The db2ckupgrade utility failed because the version of the db2ckupgrade utility is not higher than the version of the specified database.

Problem Summary

Users Affected :

Users upgrading database from v10.5 or earlier.              


Incorrect text to error code :  "DBT5521N  The db2ckupgrade utility failed because the utility was not invoked on the instance being upgraded."     
Should be corrected to :  "DBT5521N  The db2ckupgrade utility failed because the version of the db2ckupgrade utility is not higher than the version of the specified database."                          

Ignore the error above and proceed for Upgrade to product v111m4fp7 or higher.

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