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dpkg was interrupted, How to fix it ?

In this blogpost we will see what is dpkg and how to fix "dpkg was interrupted".

Well, dpkg is the software that forms the low-level base of the Debian package management system. It is the default package manager on Ubuntu. You can use dpkg to install, configure, upgrade or remove Debian packages, and retrieve information of these Debian packages.

Now lets see this error "dpkg was interrupted" and try to fix it.
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.

This error is actually telling you exactly what is wrong: dpkg was interrupted as a result the package was not configured correctly.

So to fix this execute the below command and it should be able to correct itself.

sudo dpkg --configure -a

If it doesn't try running, execute below command to fix the broken packages :

sudo apt-get install -f

and then try to execute this command again :

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Just make sure you have internet access available so that you can download any dependencies.

That's all in this post. If you liked this blog and interested in knowing more about UNIX / LINUX / AIX. Please Like, Follow, Share & Subscribe to


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