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How to check Applications status in DB2.

To check the number of current applications running under DB2, perform the following command:

db2 list active databases

It will show you an output just like that:

[db2inst1@imjhachandan~]$ db2 list active databases Active Databases Database name = SAMPLE Applications connected currently = 1 Database path = /db2/dbdata/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/

You can also check the status of all running applications, performing: db2 list applications show detail | grep -i executing

In case you need to check if your applications are in lock, perform: db2 list applications show detail | grep -i lock

On AIX, we also can use the command wc (word count) to help us to count the lines from a result output, as following:

db2 list applications show detail | grep -i executing | wc -l or db2 list applications show detail | grep -i lock | wc -l



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