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Server and Database Roles in Azure SQL Database

Hey folks! in the previous blog post we've learned about Azure SQL Server & Active Directory Admin. In this blog we will see an learn about server and database roles in Azure SQL Database.

See the below snip and it will appear once we are connected to the Azure SQL Database using the admin account (here my admin account is 'imjhachandan').

Here above we have the option of creating User Logins but we can see there isn’t anything option like Server Roles.

Whenever we create any new User Login, it is created inside the master db. If we need to provide administrative privileges, not similar to Server and AD admin, but the ones which can create logins and databases then we need to create a user in master db and add that to dbmanager or loginmanager role.

In below snip, we can see Master DB have all the database role options but User DBs have all the Database roles except dbmanager and loginmanager.


  • This role provides the authority to create and delete databases.

  • By default being a member of this role doesn’t provides access to any database, but if you create a user for the Login having this permission they will be able to delete that database too.

  • This login when creates a new database will also be the owner of that database.


  • This role can create and delete logins in the virtual master database.

That's all in this post. If you liked this blog and interested in knowing more about Azure, Please Like, Follow, Share & Subscribeto



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