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Why you should avoid enabling Auto Shrink in SQL Server.

SQL Server Auto Shrink database property allows SQL Server to automatically shrink the database files when the value is configured as True in the database option. SQL Server Auto Shrink feature is disabled by default on SQL Server instance databases.

As a DBA, you’ve probably encountered the Auto Shrink option in SQL Server. While it might seem tempting to turn it on, there are several reasons why you should think twice before doing so.

Let’s dive into why enabling Auto Shrink might not be the best practice.

1. Resource Squandering: Enabling Auto Shrink means that SQL Server will automatically shrink your database files when they exceed a certain size. However, this process consumes significant I/O, CPU, and locking resources. Imagine a busy server struggling to perform its regular tasks while constantly resizing files. Not ideal, right?

2. Index Fragmentation: Shrinking a database—whether manually or automatically—leads to index fragmentation. When data files shrink, indexes become scattered, affecting query performance. Frequent shrinking can exacerbate this issue, causing unnecessary overhead. Remember, a fragmented index is like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces—it slows down queries.

3. Performance Impact: Auto Shrink can cause performance bottlenecks. After a successful shrink operation, subsequent DML (Data Manipulation Language) or DDL (Data Definition Language) operations may slow down significantly if the files need to grow again. Frequent grow-and-shrink cycles can disrupt your application’s smooth operation.

4. Locking and Synchronization: The background task responsible for Auto Shrink acquires locks and synchronizes with other regular application activities. If you have many databases needing shrinking, this task can compete for resources. Balancing shrinking needs with regular operations is crucial.

So Instead of relying on Auto Shrink, consider setting databases to a required size and pre-growing them. Leave some unused space in the database files to accommodate future needs. Remember, a well-maintained database is like a well-organized closet—no unnecessary resizing clutter!

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